TRUFIN TRANS LTD. | The Registrar of Companies for England and Wales. Company number: 8270351 VAT NO: 181808005
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Your fast courier service!
Between England and Romania
Covering areas
Oxford | Londra | Coventry | Birmingham
Door-to-door express courier services!
Online order and AWB Tracking Number
curiertat romania anglia door to door
Terms and conditions

TRUFIN TRANS Ltd. va trata orice informaţie care este furnizatã de cãtre Dvs. cu cele mai înalte standarde de confidenţialitate în conformitate cu Legea Protecţiei Datelor din 1988 şi 2003, a Directivei 95/46/CE a Parlamentului European şi a Consiliului din 24 octombrie 1995 şi cu Legea 677/2001.

TRUFIN TRANS Ltd. va folosi informaţiile personale pe care le furnizaţi pentru a presta serviciile pe care le-aţi solicitat. Noi nu vom divulga datele Dvs. personale în afara organizaţiei noastre fãrã consimţãmântul Dvs., cu excepţia cazului în care legea ne obligã la divulgarea acestora.

Dacã în orice moment ulterior finalizãrii contractului decideţi ca noi sã nu mai deţinem informaţiile personale furnizate, sau în cazul în care informaţiile devin învechite, vă rugăm să nu ezitaţi să ne anunţaţi şi vom elimina sau corecta informaţiile existente în baza noastrã de date în cel mai scurt timp posibil.

Legal informations

  1. Once the expedition or expeditions we teach you agree to transport routes and methods established by TrufinTrans.
  2. You agree that the reasons (and that will be made known later) to open and inspect the contents to your expedition (true for any national or international authorities, including customs authorities). Opening packages is based on the verbal process in the presence of company.
  3. We have the right to refuse delivery to the recipient of the packages in the following cases:
    1. The sender did not pay full price as determined, including providing compensation if you opted for it.
    2. Packaging expedition is not required by our company according to specifications, the content is not properly packaged, labeled insufficient details of the recipient or have inscriptions contrary to public policy or morality.
    3. When, after taking packages, resulting in no doubt, from the use of reasonable methods of observation that does not affect the secrecy of correspondence, because they contain prohibited goods transport or do not meet specified conditions;
    4. When, after taking packages, they have produced or may cause imminent harm to persons, environment or other installations used packages.
  4. I definitely stopped from taking items prohibited by law or customs regulations or which by their nature or endanger the packaging, handling or transportation, life or health of persons.

    Transport prohibited drugs, drug chemicals, explosive or radioactive materials, money or value bearer checks, metals and precious stones, jewelry, firearms or weapons, including decorative, live animals, perishable goods, including perishable foods from all kind of animal or vegetable origin, alcoholic beverages and cigarettes or tobacco products. The sender understands that if the parcel will be retained by the non-observance of law because customs laws and regulations will be liable for recovery of the entire company is exonerated from any liability TrufinTrans.

  5. Agrees to pay the expedition set out in document retrieval (PICK UP FORM).Our rates are calculated according to the physical weight. If the destination charge, and the pay is not mentioned, you agree to pay all taxes expedition (flow - return).

    The client assumes responsibility regarding the accuracy of details of packages / shipments provided online, on weight, size or delivery address / takeover coletelelor / expeditions declared ordering.

  6. Express shipper expressly agreed to the retention of TrufinTrans right on goods to be shipped until payment in full of all existing transport costs.
  7. We are not responsible and does not provide compensation for: indirect damages or specific losses (loss of profit, income, auctions, etc..), Any damage or loss during transport if the merchandise was packed improperly or not taken into account the specifications required by the new shipments have been delayed due to cases of force majeure, the nature of magnetic or electrical damage, deleting electronic records or images, declaring in accordance with the characteristics of goods (fragile degree of settlement in the stack) or perishable content.
  8. TrufinTrans parcel service reserves the right to refuse an expedition even after taking it if it does not meet one of the points mentioned above. If, after the takeover, there was failure or restrictions on packing and labeling content, the sender assumes responsibility and agrees to return and pay packages received round-trip service.
  9. Shipments could not be delivered nor returned to sender address will be kept for 1 month at the company store in London. If the sender or recipient in that time have claimed this expedition will pass without any prior notification or formality TrufinTrans property.
  10. Sender or recipient dissatisfied with the services or injured as a result of services may file a written complaint TrufinTrans at our headquarters in 1 FLORIAN WAY-HINCKLEY-LE100WG, within 30 days. The company is obliged to investigate and resolve complaints within 45 days. Applications for compensation in case of loss or damage to an expedition is reporting within 24 hours of receipt and signing the claim must be attached to copies of the document retrieval (PICK UP FORM) content of the packages list, copiesreceipts or invoices proving VALUATION goods declaration regarding non-receipt of the shipment recipient or damage finding the signature of receipt.
  11. Complaints about the package, parcel number or weight of the delivery is made and not after.
  12. The carrier shall be relieved of any responsibility in the following situations:
    1. address of the recipient's address is wrong or has changed residence.
    2. damage to goods during transportation to the fault or failure to comply with improper packaging specifications
    3. injury or damage occurred during the movement, handling, loading or unloading packages by the sender or recipient, or by their representatives.
    4. loss was the fault of goods which by their nature favors the breakage, leakage, rust, ignition, decay, obsolescence or the action of parasites.
    5. numbering of labeling was insufficient or unsatisfactory packages to sender recipient has received.
    6. the sender signed the first expedition without notice and report the loss or damage apparent carrier or introduced to the carrier, the company TrufinTrans about deterioration or damage within 24 hours of receipt.

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